


















小明洗澡時不小心吞下一小塊肥皂,他的媽媽慌慌張張地打電話給家庭醫生求助。醫生說:“我現在還有幾個病人在,可能要半小時後才能趕過去。”小明媽媽說: “在你來之前,我該做什麼?”醫生說:“給小明喝一杯白開水,然後用力跳一跳,你就可以讓小明用嘴巴吹泡泡消磨時間了。”




研究:晚上睡不到6小時 小心提前入棺材

英國華瑞克大學(University of Warwick)負責「睡眠、健康和社會計劃」(Sleep, Health andSociety Programme)研究的教授卡布奇奧(Francesco Cappuccio)說:「現代社會人們的平均睡眠逐漸減少,這種模式在全職員工中更為常見,原因可能來自工時變長和輪班頻繁的社會壓力。」
英國勞柏羅睡眠研究中心(Loughborough SleepResearch Centre)教授霍恩(Jim Horne)認為:「睡眠只是反映身體和精神健康狀況,而且會受到許多疾病和病症影響,包括憂鬱症在內。」
他說,改善睡眠可能無法讓人變得更健康或活得更久,「但晚上睡不到5小時的人,顯示健康可能不對勁」。(譯者:中央社盧映孜)990505 。



    网络文学作者和作品的日益丰富,是促使网络文学用户大规模发展的主动力。    Web2.0无疑是催生网络文学作者和作品的催化剂。以用户创造内容为核心的web 2.0时代,为读者提供了更直观快捷的阅读环境,同时搭建了一个读者和作者互动交流的平台。网络写手有了充分施展才华的空间,一大批网络文学作者如雨后春笋般涌现出来,创造了丰富多样的网络作品。这种新型的文学生产和阅读方式,也不断催生着新的网络文学用户。
    网络文学盈利模式的探索,在一定程度上扩大了网络文学用户规模。    网络文学网站在探索盈利模式的过程中,借力“粉丝经济”,尝试按点击量对作品定价,按人气选择出版内容等多种盈利模式,这些措施促使网络作者们在保证写作量的同时,必须主动维持作品人气甚至挖掘新的用户。这样一来,作者们的“粉丝”会越来越多,网络文学用户的队伍也不断扩充。盛大文学的官方数据显示,起点中文网已有20万签约作者,25万原创作品,注册读者达到3058万。
    3G时代手机阅读的普及使网络文学覆盖更多人群。    CNNIC第25次《统计报告》显示,手机在线阅读是手机网民的第二大手机上网应用,其用户比例占到总体手机网民的75.4%。3G业务提高了手机在线阅读的普及率,不少网络文学企业适时推出了wap站点、针对移动终端的阅读内容和支付方式,这将进一步拓宽网络文学的传播渠道,使网络文学覆盖到更多人群。


烎: 读音:yín 原义:光明。网络新义:在游戏中,意义衍生为“遇强则强,斗志昂扬,热血沸腾,你越厉害我越要找你挑战,希望在竞争或对抗中一比高下”。
槑: 读音mei,古同“梅”。这个“槑”字由两个“呆”组成,于是在网络语言里被用来形容人很傻很天真。
囧: 读音jiǒng,古同“冏”,原指光明。在网络文化中,它的内小“八”字视为眉眼,“口”视为嘴。它的内涵就是:作为头,表达沉重的思想;作为脸,表达浪漫与激情;也常常表示郁闷的表情。
: 跟常用来骂人的那种水生动物没有关系,没你想的那么复杂。这个字是“天”字的古体,也念“天”(tiān)。
氼: 哈哈,这个字其实好记,人掉水底下了,当然就是溺水,这个字就是“溺”的意思,读音也一样:溺(ni)。
砳: 这个字有点不好理解,石头跟石头相碰怎么会是“乐”(le)的声音呢?但这个字就是形容石头相撞的一个象声词,就这么念。
嘦: 意思很好懂吧?把“只要”两个字快速连读,你就会很容易找到它正确的读音:叫(jiao)。
嫑: 同上,你可以猜出它念biao(标的二声),意思就不用说了吧。
嘂: 四张嘴同时叫,当然就是大声叫了。还念叫(jiao)。
圐圙: 仔细看看这两个字:两个口分别框住了四方八面,意为“围起来的草场”,念枯略(kū lue),内蒙古方言中一般读作库伦(kū luan),“圐圙”一词现多用作地名。
玊: 玉的点儿点得不是地方,当然就是有瑕疵的玉,念“俗”(su)。
孖: 第一次看到这个字是手机的“孖机”,意思如同字形所示:双生子。用现在话说就是克隆。念妈(mā)。
砼: 典型的生造字,人工石头——就是混凝土啦,是个建筑工程专用字。念同(tong)。

Daily Sugar Prices

source: http://www.sugartech.co.za/sugarprice/index.php

Daily Sugar Prices

Refined White Sugar

White sugar is traded in London at the London Futures Exchange (LIFFE) The contract is known as the No 5 contract and is traded in US$/metric tonne.

Raw Sugar

Raw sugar is traded in New York at the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) The contract is known as the No 11 contract and is traded in USc/lb
Contract CodeSWH10SBH10
Delivery MonthMarch 2010March 2010

Sugar price rises will continue in 2010

Toby Cohen, analyst at Czarnikow Group, one of the UK’s oldest sugar traders, says the fundamental factors behind the doubling of the sugar price in 2009 (12c/lb to more than 25c/lb) will continue in 2010 as under-investment in production will continue to limit supply and put pressure on price.
In 2009, the sugar price reached a 28-year high as sugar crops were hit by poor weather conditions, which helped swing a world surplus to a deficit, taking spot futures values higher and creating a backwardation in the market. The fall in sugar production during the 2008/09 season of 20 million metric tons raw value (mtrv) is the largest ever recorded.

The extreme volatility in the sugar price this year highlighted how dependent the global sugar market has become on Brazil’s ability to expand sugar production and on the politics of India’s rural economy.
Looking forward then, although Czarnikow is expecting to see higher production in the 10/11 season, the production response to price hikes has been very limited. Most of the growth is simply due to expectations of normal weather conditions.

Russia and India have the potential to increase production in the short term. The former is expected to increase plantings over the forthcoming cycle, while in India the two-year crop cycle implies that a 50% recovery in production is possible over the next year. The bigger issue is competition for land between sugar and other commodities, which could work against sugar as rising food prices become a political issue.

World Sugar Price to Rise Through 2010 - Brazil Analyst

Source: Reuters

Sao Paulo, April 1 - World sugar prices are likely to rise through 2010 due to upward pressure from investment funds, limited production in India and a weak dollar, Brazil's Archer Consulting said on Tuesday.

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"Just by chance, we are where we were almost a year ago with sugar futures prices," said Archer's Arnaldo Luiz Correa. "But based on the fundamentals, it will be difficult for sugar to fall below 10 cents a pound."

"If we aren't at the bottom of the well, we're very close to bottom," he added.

Archer estimates that 2008/09 world sugar prices will range between 12.50 cents and 13.50 cents a pound, rising to between 13.50 cents and 15 cents in 2009/10.

The analysts have been advising clients to fix prices or hedge future buying requirements for the next 18 months.

Correa said that investment funds would likely return in force to the commodities markets that have fallen from their peaks in recent weeks. He also said India would likely be limited in its return as the world's marginal sugar exporter.

"The price of sugar below 12 cents, as it is now, is also a disincentive for world sugar producers, except for Brazil," Correa told analysts and reporters at an event in Sao Paulo.

Demand for ethanol from Brazil's flex fuel car fleet will also continue to support the world sugar price, he said.

He added that the recent surge that drove world sugar prices above 15 cents a pound in early March was largely due to a large influx of fund money in the commodity, whose fundamentals did not support such a price.

"I'm not as optimistic as some who have had the audacity to suggest that sugar would rise to 20 cents, 40 cents, even over 60 cents a pound. That is totally absurd and there is no fundamental reason to believe that," Correa said.

He also outlined some factors that could put downward pressure on the price of sugar: mills could produce more sugar than previously forecast; if sugar prices continue to fall, funds may unload positions; Russia could reduce imports faster than expected; increased trade imports in Brazil could put a floor on the dollar's fall against the real.

The last factor would make sugar production more attractive to local mills by offering greater remuneration for sugar exports in local currency terms. The dollar is still weak against the real but has gained in past weeks.

Correa said that the cost of production, which was around 10 cents a pound in Brazil for most of 2007, has risen of late.

"I need to run the numbers again but just guessing I'd say cost of production could be as high as 12.5 cents a pound FOB now," said Correa.

source:http://www.met.gov.my (Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia)